Monday, January 9, 2012

WOW thanks every one for all the support. This is awesome and I know that some of you have asked for pics of what I have done so far. The goddess Statue is made of scuplty modeling clay it took me a couple hours to do and then you bake it in the oven follow the directions. I still have to paint her and mount her on a stand then she will be ready for the altar.
And here it is the runes are those little glass blobs you can get at WalMart and I painted the runes on with glass paint. I am going to keep one set on my altar and the other will be going in my purse for me to play with when I feel like it. I still have to make draw string bags for these. these are a super easy and cheap make it your self gift for the pagan in your life or for favors for a gathering quick to make and cheap too!!!
I am also thinking of making a blanket out of these crochet motifs i really like them but i think that they are too bulky fo ran altar clothe so maybe a bed set out of these. I am using a 5.00 hook and caron simplysoft yarn for these it would be a great way to use old yarn too

heres the link for the pattern for those of you that are interested I did NOT make this pattern it is the sole property of the person that made it please do not take credit for it or sell items made using the pattern


  1. Wow!! They are beautiful hun! I love you Goddess <3 I've been searching for a figurine to put on my altar of the Goddess, but as much as I love the ones I find, there is something missing. I wonder if I had a play with modelling clay, if the Goddess would guide me?

    I also LOVE your rune stones! And what a clever idea! Enjoy them <3 I sense a lot of mermaid energy around your runes, so maybe you could see if your Mermaid guide would come forward when you use them.

    Bright Blessings,
    Aurora )O(

  2. beautiful sculpture. And I never thought about using my glass beads as runes.....thanks! Blessed Wolf Moon. ~)O(~

  3. it was all super easy to do and really pretty cheap also drop me a line if u guys think of anything else u want to figure out crafty wise???!!!


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I have 2 kids and a loving husband. I adore baking and cooking for my family. I love to sew and create all kinds of things.